Friday, September 18, 2015

Nepal Vacations

Nature tours:

There trek tours cater for a wide range of interests, such as bird watching, wildlife observation, flora, butterflies and other natural history subjects. Itineraries have been specially designed to include the best places in any particular area. These are also flexible enough to make minor adjustments. Whilst trekking, more time is allocated along the route to give the participants every opportunity to observe as much as possible on any given route. We also allow additional time at interesting place to explore the surrounding areas. All nature tours will be accompanied by experienced naturalist, who will ensure that you get the best possible information during your holiday.

Bird Watching:

All our bird watching trek tours have been specially designed to include a wide range of habitats with diverse numbers of species. All tours will accompany by local experts. These tours vary from trekking to lodges and hotel based itineraries. As bird watching can be quire tiring occupations, we generally do not camp unless we have to most days’ activities start with the first rays of light and sometime continue well into the night. On many days however, you will get a chance to rest a midday, when the birds are least active. Tours involving extensive trekking have been specially designed to allow plenty of time for bird watching. Most itineraries are flexible enough to allow an additional day at a particularly interesting spot. This can be made up again with a longer walk on another day.

Photography tour:

We specialize in bird photography, but all other aspects of nature photography are also catered for on these tours. We will build our own hides to assure you of getting close to your subjects. There hides may be built from materials available on location or consist of portable hides which we carry with us. This technique will always ensure you have the best possible chance to come home from your adventure with the results and experienced you expect. An experienced photographer will accompany these tours and he will be a hand to advise you on all aspects of nature photography.

Wildlife Tours:

Our wildlife tours are designed to give you the best chances of seeing some of the large wildlife in our host countries. All tours make extensive use of the many National Parks and Wildlife Reserves established throughout the regions. Most of these parks offer some visitors’ facilities but the standards vary greatly. Many of these reserves are long established, consequently some of the wildlife have become quite accustomed to visitors and are fairly easy to observe. But as with all wildlife observation, it is important that visitors are very quiet and wear dull clothing.

Cultures Tour:

All our treks tours will give you an insight into the culture of the countries we visit. Some trek tours are also specifically designed to give greater exposure to cultural elements, such as staying in traditional long houses in Sarawak, visits to temples and primitive tribes. 

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